
Hello and welcome to Sanity Is An Illusion.
Sanity Is An Illusion is a rambling, meandering, ranting and raving blog in which I post my thoughts and discuss my views on... well... everything. Please, leave comments with your views on my posts, I'm bound to rebutt them. Don't be surprised if I occasionally come across as violent, twisted, cynical, bitchy or callous... I have that side to me. I'm a scorpio, in every sense of the word. I have many aspects to my personality... hopefully you'll get to experience a few of them here. I'm not sure how entertaining my blog is, I don't know if I'm ever fascinating or intriguing or funny, all I know is that this is who I am... Take it or leave it.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


While I don't consider myself a particularly spectacular person, I no longer hold the belief that I am unworthy of life. So, as a result I am here to ask why people insist on forcing those who refuse to conform below them. Now, please don't allow my use of the word 'conform' to pain me as 'emo'. For starters, it is a tragedy that such a word has come to be associated with one social archetype alone. Secondly, I do not possess any stereotypically 'emo' traits, and thirdly, I hate labels. Why must we categorise human beings, the most complex beings known to us, into oversimplified boxes? Yes, I am saying that human beings are the most complex creatures on Earth. This is scientifically proven due to bilaterally symmetrical encephalisation (the increase of brain size and complexity within a species over evolutionary time). However, complexity is not paralell with superiority. I do not believe humans are above any other organism. Including species from the families Protista, Fungi and Plantae. Seriously, people. We are not the only species capable of sentient thought, and even if we were, how does self-awareness make us any better than an amoeba? Certainly, an amoeba doesn't think, doesn't know it's alive... yeah... it pretty much just exists, as was stated in a conversation with Scott today. However, an amoeba cannot mourn this lack of though, as it would require an awareness of loss which it simply does not have. I cannot say that this unawareness would make the amoeba any happier than a human, since, being a single-celled organism, it has no brain and thus no emotion, it does not feel happiness. Nevertheless, I cannot say that its position on the planet is any less important than our own. Remove the amoeba from the environment and the entire ecosystem collapses. This is how the world works. Take out the bottom brick and the whole wall falls down. Just like the amoeba, we are a brick in the wall of life. No more significant, no more important. Yet, humanity continually places itself above every other known, and every unknown species in existance. Many people (those with strong religious beliefs are hereby excluded from the following insult) are arrogant enough to state that ours is the only planet in the universe to sustain life. Really, now. Let us be intelligent. Earth sustains life because its proximity to the sun allows for water (a polar covalent substance) to be present in its liquid form. Look up into the sky at night. The countless stars you see there are but a fraction of our galaxy alone. Take into account the rest of the galaxy, the countless other galaxies, and the potential for alternate universes, and then you have an inconceivable number of stars. Stars are suns. Around each of those infinite other suns, there are several planets in orbit. Also take into account the potential for water to be replaced with a different polar covalent substance, and the potential for organisms based on substances other than carbon (silicon, for example). Now tell me that there is no way there are countless other planets sustaining life. I dare you.

My rant is complete.

Thankyou and goodnight.

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