
Hello and welcome to Sanity Is An Illusion.
Sanity Is An Illusion is a rambling, meandering, ranting and raving blog in which I post my thoughts and discuss my views on... well... everything. Please, leave comments with your views on my posts, I'm bound to rebutt them. Don't be surprised if I occasionally come across as violent, twisted, cynical, bitchy or callous... I have that side to me. I'm a scorpio, in every sense of the word. I have many aspects to my personality... hopefully you'll get to experience a few of them here. I'm not sure how entertaining my blog is, I don't know if I'm ever fascinating or intriguing or funny, all I know is that this is who I am... Take it or leave it.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Okay, this post is going to show you EXACTLY how my mind works when I write poetry... below I have quite literally typed out my every thought as I created the poem. I hope you find this interesting or insightful. Let me know what you think of the poem.


#Have you ever, Ever felt like this? Where strange things happen, Are you going 'round the twist?#

Not only was it an awesome show when I was younger, but it's a tune that's echoing around my mind at the moment...

Do you ever wonder... ever think... ever dream... Do you ever ask yourself the questions that swirl through your mind in the final seconds before you lapse into sleep for the night?

Do you laugh and do you cry?
Do you know the reason why?
Do you rise and do you fall?
Do you mourn for one and all?
Do tears tumble down your cheeks,
Like salty, morose, crystal creeks?
Does your smile, light your face,
Did you fall from your grace?

Do you breathe your joys and fears,
Soft against comp'ny's ears?
Did you stand so tall and bright,
'Till you fell into the night?
Do you mourn for what once was,
The place you were, so high above?
Were you once, glorious and pure,
Now the cancer, once the cure?

Do you see your own reflection,
Gazing back, to leave you sickened?
Do you see all that you were,
All the beauty, all the allure?
Do you see what you've become,
The filthy, foul, feral no-one?
Does you stomach churn to see,
That in the end, you're just like me?

Fallen... Fallen Angel...Fallen... Fallen.



Someone said...

awesome, i actually think somewhat like that myself. i get lost in my head

Valkyrie Uruz said...

Hmmm... fascinating place, one's own brain...