
Hello and welcome to Sanity Is An Illusion.
Sanity Is An Illusion is a rambling, meandering, ranting and raving blog in which I post my thoughts and discuss my views on... well... everything. Please, leave comments with your views on my posts, I'm bound to rebutt them. Don't be surprised if I occasionally come across as violent, twisted, cynical, bitchy or callous... I have that side to me. I'm a scorpio, in every sense of the word. I have many aspects to my personality... hopefully you'll get to experience a few of them here. I'm not sure how entertaining my blog is, I don't know if I'm ever fascinating or intriguing or funny, all I know is that this is who I am... Take it or leave it.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Thought Think Thunk Thenk

For some obscure reason, my obscure mind has been locked on the obscure thought of... thoughts. Obsure, eh? :P

Think about it; when you're thinking to yourself, is the voice (of your consciousness, ignore all the other voices) in your head the same voice with which you speak aloud? Not really... Not for me at least... But then again, do you hear your own thoughts? Technically, no, because they are not 'heard' (term used very loosely) through soundwaves... Although, it certainly seems like you are 'hearing' your conscious thoughts, they seem to have sound... all this is probably not making much sense... sorry. It's just, when you are thinking, you can 'hear' your conscious thoughts as words in your head, correct? This is the 'voice' I will be referencing throughout this post.

As you think, you 'hear' the voice in your head... but how are you 'hearing' the voice if it is not being 'heard' in the conventional way? What way is it being heard?


Sorry.. this post probably made no sense whatsoever... I blame it on my mind for being so... weird...

I also blame it on my boyfriend for scrambling my mind further.

Sorry, Scott. :P

Ciao to the rest of you.


Scott said...

The voice in my head tells me to burn things.

Scott said...

Also, I love scrambling your thoughts, it's fun. :) And I do actually understand, as a huge coincidence I was thinking the same thing today, about the voice you use to think with... creepy...

Valkyrie Uruz said...

As I would say in any conversation with Katie... THERE ARE NO COINKIDINKS! DUN DUN DUNNNNNNN!

Someone said...

lol. i criticize stuff like that. i.e. we don't talk on MSN, but type. and ppl who say "i am listening" on MSN aren't listening, but reading. also, that post makes a lot of sense, imo. lol, but i am weird too so... *shrugs*